All projects begin with thoughtful investigation and careful drawings by hand. The studio takes pride in its position at the intersection of ideas and execution – committing to the impulse to create beauty and to establish a coherent visual language in service to whatever project is at hand. Poetic aspirations and philosophical ideals are underpinned by a practical, hands-on approach to problem solving and physically manifesting the dreams and ambitions of our clients and collaborators. Functionality and comfort are equally at home as intensive research and design concepts.

Studio Tre’s approach takes root in observable patterns from shared building traditions and the natural world, always looking to strengthen the connection between what came before with what will endure in the future. With an eye towards the unnamable, a beauty known but not always easily described, the studio embraces contradiction and the idea of combining the unexpected with the intuitive – to move towards balance. Design principles rooted in place and sensitive to the context of the site ground the studio’s thinking.

No matter the scale or use- all projects aim to stir something deeper, to evoke memory and imagination in equal parts, and to create a beautiful setting for the moments of life.
